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*''标签'' [#b8866439]
标签 - 分享爱好,兴趣和你的个性。~

***&color(#ffcc00){What is Tag Match?}; [#j79d701b]
:|Rid yourself of those confusing emotions caused by hormonal instability and confusing messages from authority figures with Tag Match! Add the Habbo name of a friend or enemy to the field, click match, and the machine will tell you just how much you and your friend or enemy have in common. Tag Match is available on the tag search page, once you have logged in.

***&color(#ffcc00){What is Tag Fight?}; [#r4c429e8]
:|Tag Fight, available on the tag search page, shows you which tag is the "strongest". Just add two tags to the fields and click fight. The cute little cat and cute little dog will then battle it out. The winning tag is the one that has been added to the most Habbo Homes and Habbo Groups.

***&color(#ffcc00){Are tags moderated?}; [#w6c19145]
:|Yes, so don't go nuts and declare yourself to be a sexgod. That just ruins it for the inexperienced.

***&color(#ffcc00){How many tags can my Habbo have?}; [#f7facce3]
:|There is a maximum of 20 tags per Habbo or Group, so choose wisely.

***&color(#ffcc00){How do I add a tag to my Habbo Group?}; [#vd5d56e8]
:|You first need to be logged in to the site. Once logged in you can add tags with your Group Info widget, by just typing in tags field and clicking 'Add tag'.

***&color(#ffcc00){How do I add a tag to my Habbo?}; [#he985379]
:|You first need to be logged in to the site. Once logged in, load your Habbo Home - you can add your tags on your My Profile widget. Just type in the tags field beneath your Habbo and then click 'Add tag'.

***&color(#ffcc00){What are tags?}; [#n02953cf]
:|By tagging yourself, you can show other people your hobbies and interests, personality and status in Habbo. Tags also make it easier to search for other users and groups that share the same interests as you. You can list all sorts of things, such as your favourite TV shows, your favourite animals and the kind of music you like. A good tip is to tag yourself with your Habbo name so other users can find you easily.

***&color(#ffcc00){Where are my tags shown?}; [#p20599ac]
:|Your tags are shown on your Habbo Home page. Similarly, Group tags are shown on the Habbo Group page. Tags are shown also in the "Hot tags" section on the homepage and also on the Tags search page.

***&color(#ffcc00){How do I search for a tag?}; [#c8c1499f]
:|You can search for a tag on the tag search page. You can also search for a tag by clicking on one. For example, if you have just added the tag "ninja" to your Habbo and want to see who else has the same tag, just click on it.

***&color(#ffcc00){Where is the tags search page?}; [#lf3f244c]
:|The tags search page is here: /tags/search. You can also get to the tags search page by clicking on any tag you see.

** 评论和补充([[转到评论页面补充.>Comments/FrontPage]]) [#v0be0fa1]