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什么是Room Settings


Room Settings (or Room Info) is a pop-up box on Habbo, where users can control or change certain aspects of their rooms.

As the owner of a room, users get the following options on the Room Info pop-up:


  • Room Name: This displays the current name of the room, and to change the name of the room a user can retype the desired name. This is the official name which will show up in the Navigator
  • Add a description: In this box, players can change the brief description of their room (which appears in the Navigator and Room Info popup).
  • Category: Here, players can set what category their room comes under. If the user wants the visitors to their room to have the ability to trade with one another then they must set the category to [TRADE].
  • Maximum amount of visitors: Here is where players can set the amount of visitors that may enter their room before the rest are denied access (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, or 50).
  • Tags: Here is where players can set their Room Tags, which means that when users search for your room, they can either search by Habbo Name or one of the Room Tags.
  • Room blocking disabled: This tickbox lets users choose whether visitors to their rooms can walk through each other - thus disabling blocking.
  • Delete this room: If a user presses this button, it will remove their room from the Client, and all the furniture in the room (excluding Wall Paper, Flooring, Spaces and Stickies) will be moved to "My Stuff".
  • Mute All: allows the room owner to mute everyone in the room.


  • Open - anyone can enter: If a player selects the 'Open' button then anyone can freely visit the room.
  • Visitors have to ring the doorbell: If this button is selected, then either the room owner or someone who has Rights has to let the visitor in.
  • Password is required to enter room: If a room owner selects this button, then they must enter a password to enter the room. Any user can enter this password.


In this tab, owners can edit who has rights within their room.

Players may issue rights to Habbos who are on their friends list. You can search for their name using Filter. Players may remove rights from Habbos without them being in the room from this tab, as well.


To configure the settings in this tab, players must have an active VIP subscription.
  • Hide room walls: If a user selects this tickbox, then the walls in their room will disappear. If this setting is enabled then the user will be unable to put any wall furniture down, although if the wall furniture has already been placed it will stay there.
  • Wall Size: Here, players can define how thick the walls in their room are. This feature comes in 4 different settings: Thinnest Walls, Thin Walls, Normal Walls and Thick Walls.
  • Floor Size: Players can also define how thick the flooring is in their room. This feature also comes in 4 different settings: Thinnest Floors, Thin Floors Normal Floors and Thick Floors

Room Info for Visitors

When visiting a room, players can press Room Info in the top right-hand corner to find out more information about the room. When they click the Room Info tab the following information will be displayed:
  • Room name
  • The owner of the room
  • Room rating
  • Room tags
  • Room description
  • Button which when pressed shows a link which you may send to your friends to come directly to the room.
  • A button which shows a popup box which allows you to "Like" the room on Facebook.
  • Add room to your Favorites.
  • Set the room as your Home Room