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*''什么是市场'' [#i138ab22]
The Marketplace is a trading system that allows players to buy and sell furni from other players safely while avoiding scams and the hassle of looking through coin shops. It was released on January 19, 2010. The Marketplace can be found in the catalog under the "Marketplace" section which is located right at the bottom of the list. ~
*''General Information'' [#zf5cbb20]
The Marketplace allows players to safely buy and sell furni other players have to offer. Players don't need to advertise or meet each other anymore as you can find almost everything you ever wanted within the marketplace.~
*''一般信息'' [#zf5cbb20]
In order to use the Marketplace, players will first need a Trade Pass.~
Despite the availability of items due to the marketplace, most people decide to use shops and trade rooms. This is because most prices in the marketplace are very high, they have to be as the market place charges 1c commission. This commission means that if you want to sell your item for 30 credits, another player will have to buy it for 31 credits. 
尽管市场有商品,但大多数人决定使用购物目录和交易房间。这是因为市场上的大多数家具价格都非常高,而且也要支付10哈币的手续费。 这个手续费意味着,如果你想卖出300哈币的家具,另一位玩家将不得不以310哈币购买它。

*''Buying'' [#n2459b98]
Players can buy any of the furni offered in the Marketplace, provided they have enough coins. To buy an item, players browse for the desired item and click "Buy". When purchased, they will get the item automatically.
*''购买'' [#n2459b98]

*''Selling'' [#v12cf8ec]
*''出售'' [#v12cf8ec]
A White Deck Chair being offered, which comes to a total price of 7 coins.~
只要家具可交易,玩家就可以将任何家具发布到市场上销售。 要出售物品,玩家可从仓库中选择所需物品,然后点击“在市场上销售”。一个窗口会弹出,显示该物品最近7天的平均价格。玩家可以设定自己的想要的售价。同时宾馆会收取10哈币的手续费,所以最终价格是售价 + 10哈币。该报价将在市场上显示48小时。~
Players can sell any furni to the Marketplace as long as it is tradeable. To sell an item, players select the desired item from their inventory and click "Sell in marketplace". A window will pop up, showing the average price in the last 7 days for that item. Players may set their own asking price however. There is a 1 credit commission, so the final price would be the asking price + 1 credit commission. The offer will be visible in the Marketplace for 48 hours.~
Normal players are allowed to post 5 items for sale at once. HC members may post infinite items for sale.~
Offers that don't sell can be taken back from the marketplace, but they will not appear in the listings. 

*''Marketplace Trade Glitch'' [#k05395ae]
Players can buy any of the furni offered in the Marketplace, provided they have enough coins. To buy an item, players browse for the desired item and click "Buy". When purchased, they will get the item automatically.

*''关于市场的常见问题'' [#h95ae68c]

**为什么开放市场? [#j82f3e62]

**为什么我不能使用市场? [#rdbdc8d4]

**我如何在市场上销售物品? [#odef0496]

**我如何在市场上购买物品? [#h9d521fb]

**使用市场免费吗? [#ccaa2bd0]

**我还可以和其他玩家交易吗? [#fb86986b]

**我能在交易中得到免费的哈宝家具吗? [#w327520a]

**我如何知道我的物品在市场上销售? [#m365671f]

**如果我的物品卖不出去会怎样? [#q6895344]

**我可以取消/收回市场上销售的物品吗? [#b976b0b9]

**我可以取消/收回市场上仍在销售的商品吗? [#s5270266]
:|可以,您可以在购物目录中打开“我卖出的”页面,然后点击物品旁边的“收回”按钮来取消广告。 如果你取消了广告,那么你不会得到令牌。

*''琐事'' [#mba7a10b]